Information and practical knowledge on dealing with racist experience of children and young people with migration or non-Christian religious background is the theme of a lecture taking place on Tuesday, August 20 in Gießen.
The sociologist, journalist and author Nkechi Madubuko, PhD, will deliver the lecture at the Hermann-Levi concert hall in the town hall of Gießen. The speaker, who is an editor with 3sat Kulturzeit and VIVA Zwei, among others, will also answer questions from the audience in the discussion session following her lecture.

To feel socially accepted is a basic need for people of all ages. Experiences of discrimination are therefore no “trifles”. They do not just lead to mental injuries and the disadvantage of those affected, they also shatter, if ignored and trivialized by the majority society, the victims’ trust in state institutions and the rule of law in the long run.
Experiences of discrimination have a destabilizing effect on social cohesion and have to be taken seriously. By law, children are entitled to grow up in a non-discriminatory environment.
Dr Madubuko takes on the most relevant questions; for example, how should parents as well as teachers, educators, social workers or supervisors in associations deal with racial experiences of children? How can they be more sensitive, professional and respond adequately to these experiences? These are some of the issues she will deal with in her lecture.

A stable feeling of self-esteem, knowledge of one’s own background and knowing the background of racism as well as experiences of acceptance in protected spaces are the building blocks of the empowerment concept.
Invited and expected to attend the lecture are parents and teachers, educators, social workers and supervisors of children and youth non-profit associations.
The event is organized by the Youth Education Center of the Gießen district (Jugendbildungswerk des Landkreises Gießen) in co-operation with the foreigners councils of the city and districts of Gießen (Ausländerbeiräten von Stadt und Landkreis Gießen), the Anti-discrimination network Mittelhessen (Antidiskriminierungsnetzwerk Mittelhessen or AdiNet-Mittelhessen) and the ISD Giessen (Initiative of Black Germans and Black People in Germany – Regional Group Gießen).
Vivian Asamoah
‘Empowerment als Erziehungsaufgabe’
Tuesday, 20 August 2019, 6.30pm to 9pm
Venue: Hermann-Levi-Konzertsaal im Rathaus der Stadt Gießen, Berliner Platz 1, 35390 Gießen.
Contact: ISD Gießen, Mr Oliver Fourier
Tel: 0179 810 49 45