Dr Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana (MEP) at the European Parliament in Strasbourg/Photo: Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana

Herzberger-Fofana (MEP) on why she will not run in 2024

Dr Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana, Member of the European Parliament representing Germany on the platform of the Green Party, writes to friends on her work and why she will not be on the ballot at the next European elections in May 2024.

Dear friends,

With the new year, I have six months left in my term of office, during which – in accordance with my party’s diversity statute – I will once again do everything I can to demand diversity for political offices and structures and to promote my issues and initiatives.

The EU-ACP Charter against violence against women

My most important project at the moment is the so-called “Maputo Charter”, which I co-initiated and which will be adopted by a total of 105 EU, African, Caribbean and Pacific states in Angola/Luanda next February and renamed the “EU-ACP Charter”.

It refers to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No. 6: Global Gender Equality and calls for the development of country-specific measures against violence against women. The Charter is the first joint agreement by such a large number of countries to speak out against violence against women. It is therefore an international agreement on respect and peace between the genders.

Participating at the International Day against Violence against Women “Orange Day” November 2023 /Photo: Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana

The ingenious thing about it is that Europe is not trying to adopt an arrogant attitude towards countries of the Global South or dictate how sustainability goals should be implemented. No. Rather, this charter is a commitment that each of these 105 countries will take a look at its own problems and develop appropriate programmes and measures. It is a commitment to take a closer look and to agree on protecting and empowering women and girls.

I will not run in 2024

Unfortunately, I am not on the Green Party list for the 2024 European elections. The disappointment I have had to deal with over the past few weeks is not just on a personal level. Much more important than that is the fact that I ran for a cause that I have been campaigning for my entire political life: to broaden perspectives. In my case: to bring in the perspective of a Black woman of African descent, a perspective that non-Black people can only adopt to a very limited extent.

Why is this broadening of perspective so important? Because all population groups must be sufficiently represented when it comes to ensuring sustainable social justice worldwide. So the disappointment I feel is above all a vicarious disappointment. The perspectives I take, the issues I stand up for, are important.

I wanted to present the Maputo Charter to the United Nations in September 2024 and obtain a resolution. Now I sincerely hope that this project will continue without my involvement as a member of parliament.


I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all those who have supported me in my political endeavours.

Many thanks to the KVs Erlangen and Haßberge, who gave me their European vote, as well as to the KV Herzogenaurach and the KVs from NRW (Coesfeld, Cologne, Mühlheim an der Ruhr, Duisburg, Bonn, Düsseldorf etc.) for their continuous support during the Federal Delegates’ Conference and my further work.

Special thanks go to all the migrant organisations and African associations for their active support. These include VMA e.V. (Vereinigung der Mandatsträger*innen Afrikanischer Abstammung), Buntgrün-Bayern and nationwide, ISD e.V. (Initiative Schwarze Deutsche), AWE (African Women in Europe), PAWLO-Potsdam e.V., Migrantinnen Netzwerk Bayern, Lessan e.V., Forward for Women e.V., DaMigra e.V. (umbrella organisation of migrant organisations), TANG e.V. (The African Network of Germany), NIFA (Nuremberg Initiative for Africa) and all those who have shown me their empathy through emails, phone calls and letters.

Many thanks also go to the editors of the magazines EU-Brief, The African Courier, Africa Heritage, LoNam, Africa Positive and Africa Live, who have always published my articles.

There is still a lot to do and I am looking forward to it.

I wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas and a good start to the New Year!


Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana

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