Dr Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana and Prof. Marilyn Sophocle of Howard University at the event/All Photos: © Dr Herzberger-Fofana

Afro-German politician honoured in Washington

The Women Ambassadors Foundation and Howard University Washington DC have awarded the prestigious ”Peace, Inclusion and Diversity” Prize to Dr Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana, Member of the European Parliament and Co-Chair of its “Anti-Racism and Diversity Inter-fractional Working Group” (ARDI).

The Afro-German politician was honoured for her longstanding commitment to combating racism, discrimination and for diversity.

Dr Herzberger-Fofana was jointly presented with the award by the First Vice-President of Colombia, Her Excellency Francia Marquez, and Congressman Jonathan Jackson, son of the legendary Jesse Jackson, at the 29th Afro-European/African American Leaders Forum in Washington. The event was organised by the Congressional Black Caucus and the Howard University Washington DC.

Dr Herzberger-Fofana (left) was jointly presented with the award by the First Vice-President of Colombia, Her Excellency Francia Marquez (pictured right above), and Congressman Jonathan Jackson, son of the legendary Senator Jesse Jackson

Deeply moved by this prestigious award, Herzberger-Fofana said:

I am delighted that my commitment, my work has been recognized by the ambassadors accredited to the American government and the prestigious Afro-American university by awarding me such a prize. I accept this honourable distinction with humility and gratitude. It encourages me to continue making Europe’s diverse ethnic cultural groups even more visible and empowering them, particularly in Germany and throughout Europe. I thank you from the bottom of my heart: the Women Ambassadors Foundation and in particular, her President, Professor Marilyn Sophocle, Howard University, the1st Vice President of Colombia, Her Excellency Madame Francia Marquez, and the Honorable Member of Congress Jonathan Jackson”

From left: Dr Herzberger Fofana, Congressmann Jonathan Jackson, MEP Salima Yenbou and MEP Romeo Franz

Dr Herzberger-Fofana was in Washington at the invitation of the Congressional Black Caucus as a member of the European parliamentarian group ARDI, alongside MEPs Salima Yenbou and Romeo Franz. The European MPs participated at the annual “Black Caucus Conference” in Washington DC. The goal of the conference was to explore constructive solutions and further develop anti-racism legislation across the Atlantic.

Howard university: The exhibition “Black Victims of the Nazi Era”

Howard University currently is hosting the exhibition “Black victims of the Nazi Era 1933-1945”, which was presented at the European Parliament in Strasbourg in April this year. Dr Herzberger-Fofana, the curator of the exhibition, had the privilege of giving a lecture on this dark period of German history. Her itinerant exhibition will be shown at various American Universities in the USA.

During the Congressional Black Caucus conference, the Members of the European Parliament and prominent Senators and Representatives of the Congress participated in panel discussions. They spoke about racism, diversity and inclusion, the empowerment of Black Representatives and about the relations to Europe, Africa and the Black diaspora in the world.

Dr. Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana, who is a co-President of ARDI, said during the panel-discussions:

We, the Members of the ARDI delegation, are working closely with the Congressional Black Caucus on a Memorandum of Understanding to give the trans-atlantic exchange in the fight against racism new incentives and facilitate the establishment of a taskforce. Especially the many strategies and practical theories, which were established by the Civil Rights Movement, can be very useful in Europe.”

Die EU delegation wants to intensify the transatlantic dialogue to work together to develop strategies against racism, populism and right-wing extremism. With regard to the antidemocratic efforts and the harassment of ethnic minorities, the Congressional Black Caucus and the European Parliament want to work more closely together. Especially during political campaigns minorities are discriminated against and scapegoated through racist slogans. This is why it is necessary to emphasize the strengthening of democratic forces in the transatlantic cooperation.

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