MoneyGram awards outstanding migrant entrepreneurs

The 1st European MoneyGram Migrant Awards to honour migrant entrepreneurs for supporting local economies & reinforcing integration in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK, took place on 7 November 2019 at the Claridge in Brussels.

Several representatives of MoneyGram such as Michael Schütze, Head of MoneyGram Europe, Grant Lines, Chief Revenue Officer and prominent guests participated at the award ceremony, including Christos Stylianides, European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid & Crisis Management, Sabine de Bethune, Senator and Honorary President of the Belgian Senate and Pierre Kompany, Mayor of Ganshoren.

MoneyGram Awards is a unique recognition program that represents MoneyGram’s commitment to migrant communities living and working across Europe. Prizes are distributed in the following categories: Profit Growth, Innovation & Social Responsibility.

The awards took place in six European countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain & the UKand the Award winners of each country were invited to participate at the final Event & Gala Night today.

EU Commissioner Christos Stylianides in charge of humanitarian aid & crisis management said : “I believe these awards are a wonderful example of what can be achieved when we remain true to our European values. When we create an environment that welcomes and empowers people and fosters innovation. Every participant today is a living proof of empowerment and determination. It is also proof that people do not want charity. They want a fair chance to shape their life and pursue their dreams.”

Michael SchützeHead of MoneyGram Europe said: “When we talk about successful integration, we usually talk about the willingness to accept new cultural challenges and finally about building a new existence in a new country. Today I look at you and I see people who have not only made Europe their home, but an entrepreneurial breeding ground for their success.”

Grant Lines, Chief Revenue Officer of MoneyGram said: “We at MoneyGram have been investing in our base, the people, for years. People all over the world, of all skin colors or religions. We help people to support their families over long distances and are happy about every single one of our thousands of agents worldwide who enable us to be part of their own business.”

The Mayor of Ganshoren in Brussels,Pierre Kompanyand first black Mayor of Belgium, has received a Special Award for Outstanding Social Engagement.


The European MoneyGram Awards 2019 winners are: Giuliano Dore (in the UK) for Innovation, Obada Otabashi (in Belgium) for growth and Lawrence Richards (in Germany) for social responsibility.


The MoneyGram Award was established in Italy in 2009, and it is the only national award that recognizes the excellence of companies run by foreign entrepreneurs.

The award has expanded due to a broader European focus, raising the visibility of the award and recipients across Europe. This focus supports MoneyGram’s campaigns aimed at strengthening the integration of migrants in Germany, the UK, Italy and France over the past few years.

MoneyGram invited migrant entrepreneurs in these countries and Belgium & Spain to participate in the local online award application and voting. All national winners were invited to the Award Event in Brussels, where the European Migrant Entrepreneur Award ceremony took place.

About MoneyGram International

MoneyGram is a global leader in omnichannel money transfer and payment services that enables friends and family to safely, affordably, and conveniently send money for life’s daily needs in over 200 countries and territories.

The innovative MoneyGram platform leverages its leading digital and physical network, global financial settlement engine, cloud-based infrastructure with integrated APIs, and its unparalleled compliance program that leads the industry in protecting consumers.

For more information, please visit


Contact pressStavros Papagianneas +32 477 29 61 30 /

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of StP Communications, on Thursday 7 November, 2019. For more information subscribe and follow

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