
Germany: Number of naturalisations reaches new record in 2022

Around 168,500 people were granted German citizenship in 2022 – an increase of 28 percent compared to the previous year, the Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden has reported. It’s the highest number of people who applied for and were granted German nationality in a single year in the past two decades. Syrian nationals accounted for the largest share of naturalisations …

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German state wants to simplify immigration of skilled workers

There is enough work, but often there is a lack of skilled workers. That is the situation across Germany. The state government of North Rhine-Westphalia, governed by a CDU-Green coalition, has therefore launched a “skilled labour offensive”, as already agreed in their coalition agreement. To combat the shortage of skilled workers, North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), one of Germany’s 16 federal states, …

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Germany: New Laws and Regulations from June 2023

Like almost every month, June 2023 brings some important changes for people living in Germany. Find out here which concrete changes, including new laws, are coming and what you have to prepare for. —— Refunds for rail delays to become more complicatedOn 7 June, a new EU passenger rights regulation will come into force by law. Consumer advocates criticise that …

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Germany opens Embassy in The Gambia

Germany has opened its first embassy in the Gambia. Until now, the presence of the German Federal Foreign Office in The Gambia was limited to a Liaison Office as part of the German Embassy in Dakar. The event took place on 17 May and was marked with a diplomatic reception. To honour the milestone, Minister of State in the German …

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NIDO Germany to hold annual meeting/conference in Berlin

The Nigerians in Diaspora Organisation (NIDO) Germany e.V. will hold its annual general meeting (AGM) virtually and in-person on 17 June in Berlin. The hybrid event will also feature the election of a new Executive Committee to run the affairs of the group, which is the umbrella body for Nigerians living in Germany, for the next two years. “Members of …

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Language test preventing more Africans from joining spouses in Germany, official figures show

Last year, more than 13,000 people failed the German-language tests required for reunification with their spouses living in Germany. Failure rates were particularly high in African countries. Critics say the language requirements are too stringent and are hindering people from exercising their right to family life. According to a new report by the news agency Evangelischer Pressedienst (epd), 13,607 people …

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Chancellor Scholz signals new dawn in German-African relations

Chancellor Olaf Scholz travelled with a trade delegation to Ethiopia and Kenya from 4 to 6 May 2023. Many important issues, including combating climate change, current conflicts in the continent and economic cooperation, were discussed in his meetings with with political leaders as well as representatives of the business community, civil society and culture. A special report on the Chancellor’s …

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New survey reveals what Germans currently think about immigration

A majority of Germans think immigration brings more disadvantages than advantages, according to a new survey. Half of those polled said they’d like Germany to take in fewer refugees than it currently does. Sabine Kinkartz of DW reports German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, a Social Democrat, is calling for a change in the EU’s migration policy to limit refugee numbers. …

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How to set up a new business as an expat in Germany

There are many opportunities for startups in Germany. A few tips that will help you achieve success. —— Find a space for your ideas  For years, Berlin has also been regarded as Germany’s startup capital. Every year, more than 500 new businesses are launched there. However, cities in the Ruhr region, such as Essen or Dortmund, repeatedly top the German rankings because …

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Germany: Award of highest national honour triggers debate over Angela Merkel’s legacy

President Frank-Walter Steinmeier presented former Chancellor Angela Merkel with the country’s highest honour on Monday at a ceremony in Berlin. Ms Merkel, who was head of government for 16 years, was honoured with the Großkreuz des Verdienstordens (“Grand Cross of the Order of Merit”) for her contribution to German political life. The national honour has been received by only two …

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Information session holds on residence permit scheme for asylum-seekers in Berlin

An information event about the Opportunity Residence Act (Chancen-Aufenthaltsrecht), a law that provides for the grant of regular residence permit to tolerated asylum-seekers in Germany, will take place in Berlin on Tuesday 18 April. Tolerated persons are actually obliged to leave the country, but cannot be deported for personal reasons or because of the situation in their countries of origin. …

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Germany expels African ambassador in tit-for-tat action

The German government has expelled the ambassador of Chad, Mariam Ali Moussa. According to the Foreign Office, the diplomat must leave Germany within 48 hours. The move comes three days after Chad expelled German Ambassador Jan-Christian Gordon Kricke. “In response to the unfounded expulsion of our Ambassador to Chad, we today summoned the Chadian Ambassador in Berlin, Mariam Ali Moussa, …

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Berlin to award outstanding entrepreneurs with migration background

Berlin is awarding prizes to entrepreneurs with a migration background operating in the city, which is also a federal state. The prize, Vielfalt unternimmt – Berlin würdigt migrantische Unternehmen and awarded once in two years, gives public recognition to the achievements of minority entrepreneurs who are contributing greatly to the economic development of the city. The prize was first awarded …

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Germany: Bundestag may revisit situation of African refugees from Ukraine — Karamba Diaby

A podium discussion on the situation of third-country nationals who fled the war in Ukraine took place recently in the East German city of Halle. There are currently about 38,000 refugees from Ukraine without Ukrainian citizenship in Germany. The objectives of the event, organised by AWO Akademie Mitteldeutschland, were to reflect on the racist experiences of the African refugees, spotlight …

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Germany: Mayor faces outrage over murder of African

The 23-year-old Basiru Jallow was found seriously injured with stab wounds in the Old Botanical Garden of Tübingen in the afternoon of 23 March and he died of his severe injuries a short time later in hospital/Photo: Courtesy of Yahya Sonko The mayor of Tübingen, a town in Baden-Württenberg, Boris Palmer, has again been criticised over his racist and insensitive …

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