
Germany: Registration opens for African Youth Education Awards 2022

Registration for participation in the African Youth Education Awards (AYEA) 2022 has been flagged off by its organisers. Every year, young people who have excelled in their educational and training careers are honoured with AYEA at a colourful ceremony in Hamburg. AYEA, an initiative to promote higher educational achievements among youth in African-origin communities in Germany, started in 2010. The …

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Germany: Young Senegalese shot by police buried in Senegal

Mohamed Lamin Dramé, the 16-year-old refugee from Senegal who was shot dead by a policeman on 8 August in Dortmund, has been buried in his home country. The story of broken dream of a young African refugee Mohamed Lamin Dramé. The story of broken dream of a young African refugee/Photo: Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana —– Repatriation of the mortal remainThe death of …

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Family man to be deported after 35 years in Germany for violating residence permit rules

The threatened deportation of a 3-person Vietnamese family is causing protest as the man has lived in Germany since 1987 A Vietnamese man, who has been living in Germany for 35 years, is to be deported together with his wife and five-year-old daughter. The case is causing outrage in the eastern German state of Saxony. Here’s the unusual story: The …

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EU parliamentarian speaks out on Senegalese youth killed by police in Dortmund

A 16-year-old refugee from Senegal was shot dead by the police in the western German city of Dortmund on 8 August. Mohamed Lamine Dramé, an unaccompanied minor was being catered for in a youth residential group. Days before his death, he had sought in-patient treatment due to psychological problems. On 8 August, a guardian called the police after Mouhamed had …

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Germany: Black community to march over police killing of Senegalese boy

A protest march will be held by the Black community in Cologne on Saturday (20 August) to express its anger at the police killing of Mohamed Lamin Dramé. The 16-year-old refugee from Senegal was shot dead by a policeman on 8 August in Dortmund during an operation. According to the protest organisers – Sonnenblumen Community Development Group e.V., N-Wort Stoppen, …

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Germany: New laws and other changes in August 2022

New month, new regulations! There are again changes in regulations and laws taking effect in August. Here’s an overview of what will change in the new month: —— More transparent working conditionsThe EU directive on transparent and reliable working conditions comes into force on 1 August. This stipulates which information and documentation obligations employers must fulfil. According to the directive, …

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Women At The Well holds Global Convention in Germany

Women At The Well Of Living Waters, an empowering community of women headquartered in London, holds its global convention in the southwestern German city of Esslingen on 5-7 August. The 3-day event, tagged W@LWGERMANY2022, provides a forum for women from all walks of life to share their experiences and network. Among the activities that will take place at the conference …

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Germany, AU partner on Media Fellowship Programme

The African Union (AU) Information and Communication Directorate (ICD) in close partnership with GIZ (German Corporation for International Corporation) is implementing its first AU Media Fellowship programme within the framework of the AU-German Government initiative, the “Citizen Engagement and Innovative Data Use for Africa’s Development (DataCipation)”. The Fellowship Programme is one of the activities being undertaken by the AU in …

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Germany: How we motivate our children to take their education seriously — Desmond Beddy, founder of AYEA

The African Youth Education Awards (AYEA) is an initiative to promote higher educational achievements among youth in African-origin communities in Germany. Every year, young people who have excelled in their educational and training careers are honoured with AYEA at a colourful ceremony in Hamburg. AYEA was initiated in 2010 to act against the observed low educational attainment levels of African-origin …

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Ferda Ataman named Germany’s Anti-Discrimination Commissioner

For the first time, there is now an Independent Federal Anti-Discrimination Commissioner in Germany. The federal parliament, the Bundestag, elected Ferda Ataman into the office on Friday. Ms Ataman will also be the head of the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes) as she succeeds Bernhard Franke, who had been the acting as head of the agency in recent years. …

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Germany: Government approves residence permit scheme for refugees

The federal cabinet has approved the draft law of the so-called ‘opportunity for right to remain’ (Chancen-Bleiberecht) for people who have been living in Germany for many years with a ‘tolerated stay permit’ called Duldung in German. The bill, which was okayed on Wednesday, will be submitted to the federal parliament, which still has to discuss it and can make …

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Why Germany faces dramatic shortage of workers – Experts

Germany should be getting ready for a dramatic shortage of manpower, experts have warned. The Institute of the German Economy (Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft, IW) expects a glaring shortage of workers in the German economy in the coming years. By 2031, there would be a total shortage of five million workers, several newspapers reported recently, citing IW forecasts. One of …

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Without asking, we occupied space!

The Black Joy Bike Parade took place on 26 June in Berlin. The bicycle demonstration through the German capital city was meant to collectively remind society that the Black community would not let everyday racism take away their joy in life, the organisers said.Miriam, founder of Zewdi, the event’s organisers, writes to participants and indeed the Black community about this …

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Opportunities for Africans in nursing care business in Germany

In an exclusive interview with The African Courier, Godfrey Evurulobi, a graduate of international business from the University of Applied Sciences Cologne, narrates how he started and he talks about the nursing care sector in Germany and why his companies are currently recruiting Africans. The Nigerian-born entrepreneur also talks about his successes and challenges so far, and he gives tips to Africans planning to start a business in the country.

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Afro-German politicians gather in Berlin for networking conference

Politicians of African descent from the length and breadth of Germany and of all political colourations will gather in Berlin on Saturday (9 July) for a meet-up with members of the Black community. The event, tagged “The way into the parliaments – networking elected officials of African origin” (Der Weg in die Parlamente – Mandatsträger:innen afrikanischer Herkünfte vernetzen), is a …

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Germany: New laws, regulations in July 2022

At the beginning of the second half of the year, new laws, regulations and other changes that should make life easier for people living in Germany enter into force. Here are the changes in July to know about —- Minimum wage rises again in JulyOn 1 January 2022, the minimum wage in Germany increased from €9.60 to €9.82 and it …

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