
How Nigerians in Diaspora can register for National Identification Number

Since several agencies of government have made registration for the National Identification Number (NIN) mandatory, the issue has become a source of concern to Nigerians including those in the diaspora. Last week, the Nigerian Communication Commission ordered telecommunications companies to suspend mobile phone SIM cards that are not linked to NIN. Abike Dabiri-Erewa, the chairman of the Nigerians In Diaspora …

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Mama Prosper laid to rest amid wailing in Frankfurt

Osasere ‘Joy’ Igbineweka, popularly known as Mama Prosper, was laid to rest in a solemn ceremony in Frankfurt on Friday 11 December. She had died in the morning of 26 November in the German city. Despite the unfavourable weather condition and the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions, friends and family members turned out in a large number to pay their last respects …

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Germany: Most women in protective shelters have migration background

Two thirds of women in women’s shelters (Frauenhäusern) in Germany have a migration background, according to a recent survey. Some of the reasons why women seek protection in such homes, commonly called refuge for battered women, include domestic violence and lack of money to rent their own accommodation. According to the statistics of the Women’s Shelter Coordination (Frauenhauskoordinierung) presented in …

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Germany: New laws and regulations in December 2020

The last month of 2020 will also see many legal changes. In the Corona pandemic, hardly a week goes by without inhabitants of the country having to adapt to new laws or regulations. The partial lockdown has been extended, Deutsche Bahn will raise its prices and the Hartz 4 standard rates will also rise. There will be changes not only …

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Germany: Bundesrat approves increase in unemployment and child benefits

From next year, unemployed people and families are to benefit from newly approved social laws by the Bundesrat.  —– The Bundesrat, Germany’s upper house of parliament, approved a series of Social Laws on Friday which will see an increase in benefits for unemployed people and families as from next year. The Bundestag, the lower house, had already passed the laws …

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Give us your opinion about hair and skin care products and win €80 worth of care products!

Germany is a country of cultural diversity, yet the needs of the different ethnic groups are not always met. Many people do not feel addressed by advertising, and the product range of most department stores also lacks products that are part of everyday life for certain communities. Often these can only be purchased in ethnic stores. It is gratifying that …

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Germany: Calling Black person monkey is “fundamentally degrading” – Supreme Court rules

A German man insults an African colleague at work by calling him a monkey and he was dismissed. Deeming his dismissal a violation of his right to free expression, the man went to court to challenge it. Germany’s highest court on constitutional matters has now delivered a landmark verdict on racist insults against people of African descent versus the right …

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Deportation: Germany risks spreading coronavirus in Nigeria – Group alleges

A migrant organisation has criticised Germany and Austria for deporting people to Nigeria amid the coronavirus pandemic. According to Nigerian media reports, 32 Nigerians were forcibly returned to Nigeria on a flight from Germany last Thursday (12 November). “It is unfortunate that the German government decided to embark on such a deportation operation especially at a time when Europe is …

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Bundestag approves new requirements for German identity card

On Thursday, 5 November 2020, the Bundestag voted in favour of the Federal Government’s draft law “to strengthen security in passports, identity cards and documents relating to foreigners”. New identity cards will mandatorily contain two fingerprints from August next year. With this Bundestag resolution, Germany is implementing European law. According to the draft law, new requirements will also apply to …

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Lead Academy: Application closes on 15 November, Apply now!!

An invitation has gone out to young people of African descent in Germany to participate in the Lead Academy 2020 via Zoom on 24-26 November. The event is organised by Lead Africa International e.V., a global non-governmental organization dealing with development issues. The three-day virtual event precedes the Global Partnership for African Development (G-PAD) 2020 Forum, with the theme Strengthening …

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Germany to remove the word “race” from the Constitution – Justice Minister

According to Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD), the Federal Government wants to have the controversial term “race” quickly deleted from the Basic Law, the country’s constitution. “There is complete agreement that there are no different races of people,” the politician told the Augsburger Allgemeine newspaper. “That is why we in the Federal Government have agreed to revise the Basic Law at …

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Germany: New laws and regulations in November 2020

Like in every new month, new laws and regulations enter into force in Germany in November. These affect quarantine rules for travellers, the labelling of food products, vehicle insurance, change of tax class and ID card for EU citizens living in Germany, among others. Here’s an overview of the changes: —– Corona-Lockdown  From 2 November, new corona restrictions will apply …

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End Bad Governance in Nigeria! Protesters cry out in Berlin

More than a thousand Nigerians turned up at the Alexanderplatz in Berlin on Saturday, 24 October, to continue the protests against police brutality and bad governance in their country.  The demonstrations, under the #EndSARS hashtag, began with calls on the government of President Muhammadu Buhari to scrap the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS). This police unit has become infamous for its …

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Young African professionals making it big in Germany

When the coronavirus pandemic spread in early 2020, economies around the world closed down and most people were relegated to remote work. But for the young African professionals taking part in the latest AFRIKA KOMMT! programme, the pandemic brought the additional challenge of being in a foreign country and taking part in a highly competitive programme. According to Ilka Wiskemann, …

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Berlin offers financial aid to churches and mosques over corona crisis

The federal state of Berlin is offering financial support to religious communities suffering from the impact of the corona crisis. Many churches and mosques are in financial distress due to pandemic-related restrictions and the resulting drop in donations they receive from members. Small religious communities engaged in social and integration issues could apply for funding for their rent, incidental rental …

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