The ongoing global coronavirus pandemic, and the impact thereof, has presented Humanitas Afrika with both a challenge and an opportunity

Offer of collaboration with progressive African governments, institutions and organizations


To Whom It May Concern

Offer of collaboration with progressive African governments, institutions and organizations

Greetings Family,

Humanitas Afrika is an African-Czech and Pan-Africanist non-governmental organization based in Prague. It was founded in the year 2000 in the Czech Republic.

For the past two decades, Humanitas Afrika has worked tirelessly to promote a positive image of Africa and Africans in the Czech Republic and by extension in Eastern and Central Europe.

The organization has contributed greatly to enhance development cooperation between the Czech Republic and Africa. In that process it has collaborated with many institutions in the Czech Republic such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Interior, African Ambassadors and Embassies accredited to the country and all the United Nations agencies based in Prague.

In 2002, Humanitas Afrika initiated and organized the first official celebration of Africa Day in the Czech Republic, which has continued to this day.

As a result of many achievements through fruitful collaborations and cooperations, the organization has accumulated goodwill and good name, massive experience and extensive network based on twenty years of consistency and hard work.

The ongoing global coronavirus pandemic, and the impact thereof, has presented Humanitas Afrika with both a challenge and an opportunity – a challenge to remain uncreative and frustrated or an opportunity to think outside the box, to embrace innovation and thrive – we choose the latter.

It is within the above context that the organization has come up with a proposal to offer its accumulated assets of goodwill, good reputation, massive experience and extensive network to the disposal of progressive African governments and institutions that might want to expand their interest to the Czech Republic, Eastern and Central Europe but do not know how or do not have massive resources to do so. We offer an opportunity for collaboration in the spirit of community service and Ubuntu for a win-win situation.

1. We can represent countries with no official embassies in the Czech Republic, as an honorary consulate.
2. We can represent African institutions and organizations as a branch office.
3. We can represent African governments as trade mission and tourism desk.
4. We can provide valuable consultation services to African governments and institutions which have interest to expand to the Czech Republic, Eastern and Central Europe.
5. We can provide counselling and support services to students and African nationals whose governments have no embassy here – something the organization is already doing.

1. Humanitas Afrika is a properly constituted and an officially recognized nongovernmental organization with a very good track record and reputation in the Czech Republic and beyond.
2. It is a well established organization with a proper functional office space in the centre of Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic..
3. It has an extensive network within the Czech Republic, Eastern and Central Europe, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.
4. Humanitas Afrika is a founding organizational member of Africa-Europe Diaspora Development Platform (ADEPT). ADEPT is a Europe-wide platform of African diaspora development NGOs that works in partnership with the European Union. The head office of ADEPT is in Brussels, Belgium.
5. Within the organization we speak Czech, Polish, Slovak, English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Swahili, Lingala, Amharic and Shona/Ndebele.

For further information, details and possible collaboration, please contact the head of Humanitas Afrika.

Thank you.

Afrikatu Kofi Nkrumah
+420-776-138-183 (English)
+420-731-801-028 (French)

Humanitas Afrika
Ječná 2, 120 00 Praha 2,
Czech Republic
Phone: +420-251-560-375

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