Join the most profitable business for Africans in Germany – Gosab CEO

Providing nursing care to the people in need of it is the most promising business an African can go into in Germany. That is the view of Godfrey Chukwuemeka Evurulobi.

And when the Nigerian-born entrepreneur talks he should be listened to. For he is the founder and CEO of the Gosab Group of Companies, a Cologne-based provider of nursing care service.

“No doubt, the best sector in which to do business with almost certain profitability is in the health care sector,” he said. “And the best way to own your own business in that sector is to get started in home nursing care.”

A graduate of international business of the University of Applied Sciences Cologne, Evurulobi runs three companies – Gosab Personalmanagement und Consulting, Gosab Care GmbH and Gosabflex GmbH, with branches in Bergish Gladbach, Bonn, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Munich and Hamburg.

Godfrey Chukwuemeka Evurulobi, CEO of the Gosab Group of Companies/Photo: Private

Evurulobi, whose companies provide qualified carers to those who need their services, including individuals and aged-care facilities, explains that Germany’s aging population will continue to create opportunities for nursing care well into the future. The number of old people in Germany is rising, and so is the demand for compassionate care givers.

Carers help people who are physically or psychologically incapable of taking care of themselves on an everyday basis to live as independently and autonomously as possible and in dignity, despite their limitations.

Evurulobi, who opened the first African-owned old people’s home in Germany last year, became self-employed out of frustration. The disappointment he experienced at the hands of his then employers pushed him to start his own business in 2013. And ten years after, he could only thank God for that decision.

Today, he believes the opportunities are even more in the medical home health care services because the demand has become massive and would continue to grow. But it’s not only the demographic changes in Germany that recommend the nursing care business to Africans but also the fact that culturally they are particularly suited to the profession, Evurulobi believes.

“We are naturally good in caring for others,” he said. “We come from a culture where we care for relations and even members of the community.”

Nursing care also has its own challenges like every business, however, promising they might be. Hence, people going into the business must conquer the fear of uncertainty, of failure and be very disciplined, the entrepreneur advises. “A good carer needs to be steadfast, flexible, patient and God fearing,” he said. “You have to be reliable which is the only way to gain and retain the confidence and trust of your patients and partners.”

Evurulobi has acquired so much experience in nursing care in the past decade that he could be described as a guru. He has even written a Franchise handbook, describing the concept of Gosab Care, which would serve as a guide for potential franchise partners.

Elderly people, who make up the overwhelming majority of those needing care, receive better treatment in the comfort of their own homes with the help of mobile professional health caregivers/Photo: Gosab

To give his fellow Africans the opportunity to own their mobile nursing care business in Germany, Evurulobi’s company Gosab Care has developed a care franchise system.

He is calling on all and especially Africans who have been dreaming of owning a business in the care sector in Europe and Germany to utilize this opportunity and ride on the long years of experience in managing a health care business in Germany.

“They can ride on our experiences and become a business owner in Germany,” Evurulobi said, confirming the conventional wisdom that partnering with established brands can help you start and grow your business as a franchise. “I believe more Africans should try to be self-employed in Germany because there are bountiful rewards in running your own business,” he said confidently.

If it’s your ambition to open a mobile care service, there’s now an opportunity for you to do so and become part of this rewarding industry.

Femi Awoniyi

If you are interested to partner with Gosab, write to Or

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