Book: ? Why not embrace the one-of-a-kind,..? (Series)

Tip No. 2

YOU are one-of-a-kind. YOU are the most amazing invention of all inventions. In a world where the only constant thing is change, YOU are the only thing that remains unchanged.

As for your DNA, the hereditary material that is peculiar to each person and each person alone? Even that is unique. Not even the mother who gave birth to you or your father have DNA sets identical to yours. Think about that for a moment.

When you’re done thinking, here’s a piece of SOLID advice! Don’t strive to be an eggplant if you are designed to be an egg. You will be a sorry looking sight. Some of us are running ourselves ragged trying to be whatever the flavour of the moment wants us to be. Most of us have done this so frequently and regularly that we now have a hard time recognizing ourselves in the mirror.

Isn’t it a shame that in a world where there are so many fakes and copies, where the only thing unique and impossible-to-replicate is YOU, that you have chosen to become a replica instead? Why not embrace the one-of-a-kind, one-in-a-lifetime, unequivocally unique you?

Be YOU! I don’t think I can make this any clearer.

And, if being YOU is not good enough for someone in your circle of friends, colleagues or whomever, then change your circle!

Let’s face it! Nothing is more energy-zapping, more doomed-to-fail-before-it-has-even-begun, than trying to be someone YOU are not.



About the Author
Sarah Udoh-Grossfurthner is a Nigerian-born writer of poetry and prose whose work covers the highs and lows of the human heart. Her publications include BUT HE CALLS ME BLESSED: When the Unbelievable Happens to Believers; THE OLD WOMAN WHO REFUSED TO DIE; JUST AND ORDINARY GUY; PATHWAYS OF LIFE, as well as a feature in TIME magazine. Sarah’s poem “Mirror Image” was converted into the theme song for a Nigerian breast cancer awareness concert organised by Betty Irabor (publisher of the women magazine Genevieve) in 2005. Sarah is also the co-editor of Payback and Other Stories, an anthology of African and African Diaspora short stories spearheaded by the University of Vienna, African Studies Department. Sarah holds a BA (Hons) in Diplomatic Studies and MA in Professional Writing from University College Falmouth, Cornwall.

The author is also the creator of: From Fearful To Fierce, a memoir of a woman, who was abused, bullied and told she was worthless and would never amount to anything. Find out more about From Fearful to Fierce at

Sarah, a mother of two ‘super-awesome’ (her words) children, lives in and writes from Vienna, Austria.

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