German Africa Award 2021 goes to Ethiopian rights activist

German Africa Prize 2021 has been awarded to Ethiopian human rights activist Daniel Bekele. The Prize is awarded annually by the German Africa Foundation (Deutsche Afrika Stiftung e.V. or DAS) to “outstanding individuals for their long-standing endeavours to foster democracy, peace, human rights, art, culture, the social market economy and social concerns” in Africa. An independent 24-member jury of experts …

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Germany: Why I prefer Olaf Scholz for Chancellor by Kenneth Gbandi

As the campaign for Germany’s general election on 26 September hots up, a leader in the Nigerian community in Germany has spoken out in support of Olaf Scholz, the chancellor candidate of the Social Democratic Party (SPD). In an interview with the Africa Service of German international broadcaster DW, Kenneth Gbandi, a former president of Nigerians in Diaspora Organisation Germany, …

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Germany’s migrant organisations demand employment quota in civil service

Organisations representing people with a migration background are calling for radical legislative solutions to improve their representation in public institutions. They have now presented a draft for a federal participation law …… The Federal Conference of Migrant Organisations (Bundeskonferenz der Migrantenorganisationen, BKMO) has called on the next federal government to enforce the equal participation of immigrants in society by law. …

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Germany needs 400,000 new immigrants per year — National employment agency chief

The population in Germany is stagnating and the number of workers is decreasing. To avoid a labour shortage in the future, Germany needs about 400,000 immigrants per year, according to Detlef Scheele, head of the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit). Due to demographic developments, the number of potential workers of typical working age is already decreasing by almost 150,000 …

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SPD candidates promise African community in Berlin

Saturday, 21 August was a historic day in the African community in the Berlin district of Spandau. For the first time members of the community invited candidates for a general election to address them and listen to their views. The event, organised by the Afro-Deutsche Group Spandau, provided a unique opportunity for African residents to interact with candidates running on …

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NIDO Germany praises Bruder Hilfe for its activities in Nigeria

ANNOUNCEMENT Nigerians In Diaspora Organisation (NIDO) Germany has kicked off its familiarization tour of Nigerian businesses, social enterprises and cultural organisations in Germany. Accompanied by our Project Officer, Mazi Obiora Nweke, the President, Mr Femi Awoniyi, on Monday called on Bruder Hilfe Social Development Initiative e.V., whose founder and director is a long-time member of NIDO Germany and a current …

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German train drivers go on strike; what you should know

Train drivers will go on a three-day strike from Wednesday (11 August), the German Train Drivers’ Union (GDL) has confirmed. The strike will affect regional and long-distance trains all over the country. The GDL is demanding a wage increase of 3.2 per cent for employees and a 600-euro corona bonus for the current year in the collective bargaining dispute with …

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Germany: Maisha launches campaign against Covid-19 in African community

Maisha – African Women in Germany e.V. has launched an information and awareness campaign on Covid-19 in Germany’s African community. The campaign ‘Information and Awareness Raising on Covid-19 – Model Project for African Migrants in Germany’ was launched on Sunday (8 August) in Frankfurt. The event took place at the New Covenant Assemblies after the Sunday worship session of the …

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Germany: Government promises massive aid for flood victims

As Germany comes to grips with the vast devastation and loss of life caused by the worst floods in decades, the government has offered more than €300 million in aid including help for infrastructure and small businesses. Speaking to newspaper Bild am Sonntag, German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz said he would propose a package of immediate aid at a cabinet meeting …

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What you should know about the new German ID card

Very soon, digital fingerprinting will be mandatory in German ID cards. The question is: Will it make the cards more secure? Or is it an invasive threat to our freedom? Nina Werkhäuser and Esther Felden of DW examine the issue in this special report —— “It was a really creepy feeling,” says data protection activist Leena Simon, describing the moment …

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Germany: New laws and other legal changes in July 2021

Every month there are new laws and other legal changes. July 2021 is no different. Whether minimum wage increase, single-use plastic ban, compulsory measles vaccination or digital Covid-19 vaccination card: We have all the relevant changes at a glance! ——- Statutory minimum wage increases From July 2021, the minimum wage will increase by 10 cents from 9.50 euros to 9.60 …

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Nigerian Diaspora Germany elects new leadership

The German chapter of the Nigerians in Diaspora Organisation (NIDO) has elected a new executive committee. The election was part of the body’s annual general meeting, which took place virtually on Saturday, 26 June. Femi Awoniyi was elected unopposed to lead the NIDO Germany as President for the next two years at the event. He replaced Dr RosaLyn Dressman who …

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Oury Jalloh film wins German podcast award

A TV production about the death of the African Oury Jalloh in a Dessau police cell over 17 years ago has been awarded the German Podcast Prize 2021 for “Best Journalistic Performance”. The production, by the public broadcaster WDR and entitled Oury Jalloh und die Toten des Polizeireviers Dessau (“Oury Jalloh and the dead of the Dessau police station”), received …

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Nigerian community in Germany mourns member killed while visiting home country

The Nigerian community is in shock over the gruesome, cold-blooded killing of Hamburg-based Oguchi Unachukwu while visiting his home country. According to Nigerian press reports and the accounts of his relations in Nigeria, Mr Unachukwu was shot by a soldier in Owerri, Imo State, on Monday. The Nigerian, who was on his way to the Owerri airport to catch his …

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Germany: Why the number of naturalisations dropped sharply in 2020

The number of naturalisations in Germany declined significantly last year. Around 109,900 foreigners took German citizenship in 2020, as the Federal Statistical Office announced in Wiesbaden recently. That is a decline of 19,000 cases (minus 19 per cent). The decline is to a large extent due to the reduced naturalisation of Britons. At the same time, the number of Syrians …

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Make becoming German citizen easier, integration ministers appeal

Easier child access to German citizenship has been floated by integration ministers of Germany’s 16 states. But the idea is likely to face opposition from federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer. Children born to foreigners living in Germany should be granted faster access by law to German citizenship, integration ministers from Germany’s 16 states have urged in a majority appeal Meeting …

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Chancellor Merkel receives European Civil Rights Prize for supporting Sinti and Roma

Chancellor Angela Merkel has been awarded the European Civil Rights Prize of the Sinti and Roma for her advocacy against antiziganism. “We must outlaw antiziganism just as we outlaw anti-Semitism,” Romani Rose, chairman of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, said in his address at a ceremony which took place in Mannheim on Wednesday. He pointed to the …

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Federal court rules Berlin’s rent cap unlawful

The so-called rent cap has been in force in Berlin for more than a year. Now the Federal Constitutional Court Bundesverfassungsgericht has overturned the controversial law causing apprehensions for tenants in Germany’s biggest city The Federal Constitutional Court has declared Berlin’s rent cap null and void. According to the decision of the Karlsruhe-based highest court on constitutional matters, Berlin was …

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Germany finalises plan to improve integration in next 10 years

Chancellor Angela Merkel and state and civic leaders have finalised a plan to improve the integration of immigrants into society, the education system and the job market. It outlines a road map for the coming decade. Kathleen Schuster/DW reports Getting a job might have been once been considered enough to be successfully integrated into society as a foreigner. For Germany, …

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