TimeLine Layout

January, 2018

  • 9 January

    Germany: AfD rebukes Jens Maier over racist tweet about Noah Becker

    AfD federal lawmaker Jens Maier has been warned by his party over a racist tweet about the son of tennis legend Boris Becker. But Maier, who called Noah Becker a “half-negro,” can remain in the party. The national executive of the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party on Monday officially reprimanded Bundestag member Jens Maier over a racist tweet …

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  • 9 January

    Germany: Merkel launches coalition talks with Social Democrats

    Germany’s Christian Democrats (CDU), its sister party the Christian Social Union (CSU) and the Social Democrats (SPD) sat down on Sunday (7 January)  to kick off five days of exploratory talks. This week they want to finally revive the grand coalition that has been ruling the country since 2013. Some think this is Angela Merkel’s last chance at forming a …

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  • 8 January

    Thousands of demonstrators demand justice for Oury Jalloh

    Several thousands of protesters turned out in Dessau on Sunday to demand justice for Oury Jalloh who died in mysterious circumstances in police custody in the eastern German city 13 years ago. Oury Jalloh died in a police cell in Dessau, Saxony-Anhalt, thirteen years ago, but the circumstances surrounding his death remain unclear until today. More than four thousand supporters …

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  • 8 January

    France received record 100,000 asylum requests in 2017

    More than 100,000 people requested asylum in France in 2017, a “historic” number and an increase of 17 per cent on the year before, according to the French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (OFPRA). In a statement on Monday, OFPRA director Pascal Brice said the figures show that “France is one of the top countries for …

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  • 8 January

    Boris Becker speaks out on AfD politician’s racist comment about his son

    After several days of public silence, tennis living legend Boris Becker has finally spoken up on the controversy surrounding AfD politician Jens Maier’s racist comment about his son. The member of the German parliament had attacked Noah Becker, calling him a “little half-negro” on Twitter over an interview in which the son of the former Wimbledon champion compared Berlin with …

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  • 7 January

    Joint Declaration of the Member Countries

    Following is the Joint Declaration of the Member Countries on the Regional meeting for Europe, Central Asia and North America on the International Decade for People of African Descent: Representatives of States from Europe, Central Asia and North America participated in a regional meeting which took place in Geneva on 23 and 24 November 2017, with the participation of experts …

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  • 7 January

    A turning point in Ethiopia?

    Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn dropped a veritable bombshell last week, when he announced that political prisoners would be released and that a detention centre in the capital that had become notorious for torture would be closed. What made this all the more surprising was that the government had never before even acknowledged the existence of political prisoners (when dissidents …

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  • 7 January

    Israel: Panic spreads among African migrants as deadline nears

    Israel plans to deport thousands of African asylum seekers within the next three months. They have the choice of leaving for a third country or indefinite imprisonment in Israeli jails. The quit deadline fans fears among African migrants, reports Tania Kraemer. “It is a very scary moment and many people are simply in panic,” says Ghebrihiwet Tekle, a young Eritrean …

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  • 5 January

    Germany achieves record low unemployment rate in 2017

    Official figures released on Wednesday show that Germany’s unemployment rate has hit a record low. December’s unemployment rate was 5.5 per cent, the lowest level since German reunification in 1990, the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit or BA) said. In 2017 as a whole, the jobless rate fell to 5.7 per cent or just over 2.5 million people, from …

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  • 5 January

    Germany’s Black Community condemns AfD politician for insulting Noah Becker

    The Association of Black People in Germany (Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland or ISD Bund e.V.) has condemned Jens Maier, a member of the far-right, anti-immigrant party Alternative for Germany (AfD), for his racist Twitter comment on Noah Becker (23), son of former tennis star Boris Becker. The member of the Bundestag or German parliament had attacked Noah Becker, calling …

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